Dead Batteries: Not Just For Las Vegas Summers

Anyone that has lived in Las Vegas more than a few years will tell you that our extreme heat in the summer will increase the frequency of dead batteries. But if you think that Las Vegas summer heatwaves will kill your battery, don’t forget about our harsh winters. While most Las Vegas natives will tell…

Motor Oil Facts: Viscosity

A quick look at the shelf in your local auto parts store will reveal a variety of motor oils with an even wider variety of specific purposes. From high-tech engine oils to higher-mileage vehicle oils. You are sure to see a wide selection of viscosities. In this article we are going to explain what motor…

How to Find a Fleet Service Center

While most auto shops want to provide fleet services due to the sheer volume of work from a single client, most auto shops don’t have the equipment, experience and ability to maintain  your fleet of vehicles properly. In this article you will learn what to look for in a fleet service center.

3 Easy Ways to Tell If You Need a Wheel Alignment

If you follow our auto mechanic blogs then you know that having proper wheel alignment will not only increase the life of your tires and increase gas mileage, but it can boost the overall performance of your car, truck or van. This simple and affordable fix can save you in the long run. But most…

Hit a Curb! Get it Checked Out!

At Hi Star Auto we hear our customers tell us stories about them hitting curbs often. It happens to even the best of drivers. Although more common in the winter months when our Las Vegas roads are slick with ice, the reality is it can happen anytime. The question is do you have front end…